Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Rusty HTML

After spending the last hour hacking the etsy mini "widget" onto the side of the blog, I'm realizing just how rusty my html and css skills are at this point.  I sure "relearned" a lot.  I can't control the background color it seems.  Sorry all, I know its kinda ew.

Anyway, now that its nearly 10pm for me, I think I better go get some dinner.  You think?

Saturday, April 14, 2012

New ideas

Well, as my dad would say, this is the engineer in me. I have been working on new ideas. Posting some pictures of the makings. Have enjoyed every minute.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Work vs Crafting

I've had to shift to a new work schedule this week and it feels like it is encroaching on my crafting time more than ever.  How does one function when work starts at 11am and you leave the office at 8pm with a 45 minute drive tacked on to both ends?  Never the less, I will find time to sew, some how.

I have so many ideas that I want to do.  If I could, I'd take a week of PTO and just stay at home and work on all of them.  Thanks to all the other wonderful crafty people that make tutorials and none other than my new Pinterest addiction.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Crafters heart to sing

I got a custom request today that I'm super excited about. The buyer wants to give them as wedding gifts to part of the wedding party. These types of orders really make a crafters heart sing. I am honored to be picked out of the masses selling on Etsy for this request. All the best wishes to the happy couple.