Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Adventures with KAMsnaps storage

I recently posted a project on facebook in which I found KAMsnaps to be the best choice.  If you didn't see that one, I love these snaps.  They work great!  Here is a quick picture to show you the project.

I bought a starter kit which included several different colors of snaps and the tools to apply them from Amazon here.  I quickly decided I needed a storage solution.

I bought this simple jewelry box first thinking it was more configurable than it turned out to be.  Idealy I wanted a way to keep the tools with the snaps.  Overall it works pretty well for just the snap bits but I couldn't get the large pliers in the box with the snaps.

(Sorry for the "mess" here.  That would be a leaf from a plant I'm trying not to kill.  Clearly, I'm loosing at the moment.)

Since the snap "backs" are the same for both the male and female snaps you need a spot twice the size for those and only  need 3 sections per color.  With this configuration I will always end up with an unused corner.  This may change if I reorder and end up with more of one color than another?  Time will tell.  For now I'm keeping this box mainly because returning isn't easy/free and storage boxes seem to always find a use.

I went on the hunt for a solution for the pliers.  I had a few colors that don't fit in the first box too.  I ended up with this craft box that is fantastic!  If I could have a perfect world, I would be able to subdivide the longer compartments on the bottom to the same as the top ones.  I still love it though.

The compartments are deeper than the previous box and will allow room for growth in those colors.  Not that I would have a tendency to stash craft supplies or anything.....  Moving on!  The deep small compartments are a little hard to get your fingers in.  I'm ok with this in this application because I can get to one just fine.  I won't be needing to pull more than that at a time anyway.

You will notice I have left some in the bags.  It is far easier to test out configurations like this.  Since I have a tendency to change the way I store, this is how they will stay until I need them.  Digging these puppies out of the bags is no fun.  Hence this whole adventure in the first place.

Anyway, this company makes several styles of these boxes.  They are fantastic.  The dividers are sturdy and don't let small items slip around even when closed and upside down.  Sand would be an exception.  Hopefully that goes without saying?

So there you have it.  My adventure with KAMsnaps storage.  Grommets are on their way for yesterdays (more like last night in the middle of the night's) post part two.  Maybe they will fit in the first box?

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Hanging SwimSuit Organizer DIY

Hey folks!  It's been a while!  I had to put something together and share this project though.  Living in a location where the summer average temperature is 100 or more, you tend to collect swimsuits.  Over the years of gaining and losing weight I have a few.  Since I continue to bounce I don't let them go easily.  In addition, different occasions call for different "coverage".  When I scuba dive, I like a sporty one piece with no hardware or knots to go under my wet suit.  On the lake I either need something that will hold up to tow-ables or something for tanning.  Tack on the "I'm a girl and like to feel cute" and I have a large collection.  The old storage was not only an overflowing drawer but left me pulling out everything to find the one I wanted.  So, I decided to go a different route.

I bought two door hanging shoe organizers when I couldn't find what I wanted.  Why two?  Well, one works but why when you could put two back to back and have twice the storage?!

Here is the pile of swimsuits.

A mess right?  Let's get started!

2 Over-the-door shoe organizers
1 Scissors
1 Wooden Hanger
3 cuts of ribbon or rope about a foot (enough to tie with is all that matters)
Sewing Machine and thread to match

1. Cut
I found out tying the two onto the hanger made them longer than my closet would support so I cut off at the halfway mark.  Cut close to the seam so you don't have to make an extra hem and you have fabric left over on the bottom half for another project.  (I plan to make a second one after I learn how to install grommets.)

2. Sew
Next we will sew the two together.  You don't have to do this part.  It will work fine without it but I liked how much cleaner it looked when it hangs after I sewed them.  Carefully pin the two back to back.  Wrong sides together.  I tried to avoid putting the pins through the plastic but it really doesn't matter if you have good sharp pins.

Also note that the existing grommet holes do not line up.  I found this to be OK.  They key is to start your seam below the cardboard section at the top.  This allows the ribbon to make up for the misalignment.

Be sure to back stitch the start and stopping points as they will have the most strain.  Start at one corner and work your way around the very edge.  I found the item was not square and aligned the best I could.  I also tried to use the original seam line as a guide.

The corners are bulky and thin.  I used my handy seam ripper to help push the first stitch or two through after a corner.  This tool gets a lot of love!

3. Tie
Now you will threat the ribbon through the grommets and tie it to your hanger.  I used ribbon I had saved from some sort of packaging.  Probably a fat quarter bundle.  My wooden hanger likely came from Walmart.  Something I already had in the closet though.

And that's it!  Sew Easy!  Now remove all the suits from the peaches box and hang back in the closet.  The peaches box was not the original container for anyone wondering.  It was just a way to get them all in the sewing room since the lighting in my closet is horrible on a good day.

I've ordered a grommet kit so hopefully part two of this will be a swimsuit cover up organizer made from the bottom half.  I also totally wish I was one of those women who could make everything look perfect but I'm not.  Keeping it real here!  All I did was roll and stuff.  So if you like this then I'm sure you can do it too!  No amazing OCD talent needed.